• Sunrise At: 07:21
  • Sunset At: 20:05
info@moskeewageningen.nl +(31) 6 27255339

"And Allah invites to the house of peace"


Moskee Wageningen

The Islamic Center Wageningen Foundation has developed over the years as an important Islamic center for Muslims and non-Muslims in Wageningen. In addition to its religious function, the foundation fulfills an important role as a socio-cultural meeting center for Muslims in Wageningen.

Moskee Wageningen

The Islamic Center Wageningen Foundation has developed over the years as an important Islamic center for Muslims and non-Muslims in Wageningen. In addition to its religious function, the foundation fulfills an important role as a socio-cultural meeting center for Muslims in Wageningen.

The Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars are the core beliefs and practices of Islam

  • Shahadah

  • Salah

  • Sawm

  • Zakat

  • Hajj



Community Members


Inspirational Sermons


Islamic Years Together

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